Create subsets based on a metric

Subsets allow for filtering all metrics in a workflow based on a set of global filter conditions. These are useful for splitting out data for specific teams, across a period of time, or to highlight high-impact data.

A best practice for workflows is to create a set of followup metrics that track changes to your data after the bulk of the workflow has been evaluated, in order to see what decisions made by the workflow are changed later on. In essence, these metrics become a proxy for how often workflow decisions have to be corrected - which, in turn, can be used to improve the workflow.

To exemplify the usefulness of these subsets, say that we have a workflow that looks similar to the one in the image above. A workflow with a branching logic, that routes data to the Correct mistakes by hand action at the center bottom via various action paths. In this example, one can relatively easily guess which actions route data to that action (hint: all of them), but in larger actions it gets exponentially more difficult to at-a-glance identify those paths. Subsets based on a metric to the rescue.

To create a subset based on a metric, we select the Metric we want to observe more closely and select the “Create subset” from the menu. This generates a new Subset that only contains data that has entered that metric.

Applying that subset on our workflow allows us to immediately identify the branches that route data to the Correct mistakes by hand action.

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