
The fundamental building block in Accode is the component and component package.


Components define almost everything in Accode. There are many different types of components, including actions (that determine what you can do in a workflow) and data models (that define a shape for the data that is run through a workflow).

Components are collected into packages, purpose built collections of components that work with a particular software or use case.

Components are both useful for quickly getting started with building workflows for a particular problem (e.g. you might find a component package for a software that you use) or for extending your existing workflows with more advanced functionality (e.g. there is a Dynamic ML package that allows for defining machine learning models on-the-fly within a workflow).

Installing components

There are many prebuilt packages, which can be installed to your workspace from Accode Hub.

The component page

Each component and component package has a dedicated page that displays information about the component. The initial view of a component page is usually a readme, a document that introduces and explains a component or component package. The readme is usally a great place to start to learn about how a component package works and how to best get started using it.


A manual for using the page, written by the developer of the component. May include a section on frequently asked questions.


Access the data and data models included in this package.


A live preview of the component. Currently only available for actions and models.


The package developer can include a list of updates. This list is updated each time a new version of the component is published. Individual components seldom have their own changelogs, but the changes are often noted on the package level.


All components that are included in this package.


The raw definition of the component.

Creating custom components

Certain components can be created directly in Accode. These are currently:

To create new components, press the + Create button in the top-left corner to open the Quick create menu and select the Create a new component option_._
